today is officially my birthday, which mean that I am getting older, lmao
There are few stuff I would like to talk about and it mainly has to do with Clocksterfuck animation I posted for Clock day. I didn’t expect much from that animation to take off in someway; it was simple shitpost that I made in 3 days before the Clock day. It was done in Krita, program that wasn’t really design for doing full-blown animation but it damn well get the job done.
Apparently, it gotten on “Daily pick” with plenty of iconic clock crew users and shockly an good rating (not that star reviews really matter to me much nowadays). This gotten me some influence to do some Newgrounds animation in future so I appreciate it.
i am going back to my original plan to do more fanart as it is my main focus but I may consider doing short animation (will be improved more than Clocksterfuck obviously, just warming up). As always, Commission is open if you really that interested.
Other then that, Summer seem to be over which mean that most site maybe less crowded in which I more prefer. I may do some other experimental drawing and shit as usual.
all that, I hope ya have good days.