Yesterday at Clock Day 2020, I post this "A" (which is now listed at the very bottom in Collection of Clock Day 2020) where it just 4 seconds of saying "A" Louder and louder. I thought that making prequel to B would be totally funny and such.
It come to shock me that "A" was actually submitted by StrawberryClock himself, back in 2001 before the "B" was submitted and actually saved.
Looking at the Interview and this flash movie, they explain that SBC was actually making flash animation and they were getting blammed (since most first-time animator usually getting blamed). After that, he decide to make shitty flash animation on purpose and started spamming with the letter "A" and while it got blamed once more, the comment section was funny by SBC Standard.
So, long story short, "A" did existed but was blamed and never returned until 19 years later. It appear I was making the "A" come back alive without even knowing it exist.
What the hell?