You awe about to get spammed with 600 dank memes. Pwepawe aww nyukes and weapons fow the Gweat Spam Waw. If you can contain the amount of spam I have, you wiww be gwanted with speciaw powews that awwow you to smoke weed 200 times hawdew. Nyot onwy that, but you wiww have a waggy as fuck waptop. You knyow how wucky you awe?????? My waptop wuns at 669FPS and it nyevew wags ow is swow. YOU WUCKY SON OF A GUN. You wiww pay the pwice by me giving you a wink (Which shaww contain a downwoad) which wiww wipe aww youw memowy off the face of this unyivewse and uvwwwite it with my own softwawe, Memesoftwockew2.0000.0. You awe so damn wucky you knyow that? NyOT EVEN I HAVE IT SWUT. But if you wewe abwe to wead up to this point congwatuwations, you suck. But cwick this wink www.mymom.;;;;;;/eeeeeeee.cwash; and you wiww be taken to a memowy ewase phwase. You wucky swut, but you wiww get the best computew softwawe evew that makes youw computew wag so bad that you can't even use it. WIKE HOW AMAZING??? Yes, I pwomise you this is 420% wegit. But if you spwead this abusive softwawe you have EAWNyED I wiww suck you off this wiving unyivewse so be cawefuw buddy. Nyow, Pwease stop weading this message as it ends nyow...
Pwease owo wesponsibwy
why did I do this? It 5 AM